Value Defined

Determining value for our clients since 2002

Blackstone Appraisal has been a trusted provider of business valuation services for over two decades, offering expert insights into what drives the value of businesses to help clients plan for future growth. With a strong track record of appraising hundreds of businesses, Blackstone Appraisal brings a wealth of experience to the table. Our dedicated team is committed to helping clients understand the intricate factors that influence their business's worth. By offering tailored guidance and actionable strategies, we empower clients to make informed decisions and optimize their business's potential for success.

Areas of Practice

Gift Tax & Estate Planning

When gifting ownership in a company or for estate tax purposes, the IRS requires a valuation to be performed to determine the fair market value of the assets involved. This valuation is crucial for accurately reporting the value of the transfer and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. At Blackstone Appraisal, our specialized team is well-versed in providing comprehensive reports that meet the stringent requirements set by the IRS. Our thorough analysis and expertise enable our clients to navigate the complexities of gifting and estate tax with confidence, knowing that our reports will withstand IRS scrutiny. Trust Blackstone Appraisal to deliver accurate and reliable valuation reports for your tax-related needs.

Charitable Donations

At Blackstone Appraisal, we understand the importance of being charitable and giving back to the community. Supporting non-profit organizations can have a significant impact on those in need and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. If you decide to gift a portion of your company to a non-profit, it is essential to meet specific reporting requirements set by the IRS. Our team of third-party appraisers can assist you in fulfilling these obligations efficiently and accurately. By ensuring compliance with regulations, you can focus on making a positive difference through your charitable contributions while we handle the necessary appraisal processes seamlessly.

Purchase Price Allocations

When purchasing a business, it is crucial to adhere to the IRS regulations regarding the reporting of goodwill, a significant intangible asset. The IRS mandates that buyers report the portion of the transaction price allocated to goodwill separate from tangible and other intangible assets. At Blackstone Appraisal, we equip buyers with the essential valuations to pinpoint the precise goodwill value in the transaction. Regardless of the nature of the business , the accurate determination of goodwill is essential for accurate tax planning. Trust Blackstone Appraisal to provide the necessary valuation expertise for a seamless and compliant business acquisition process.


In any business transaction, understanding the precise value of your business is paramount. Knowing the value equips you with the necessary information to evaluate the legitimacy of offers made by potential buyers effectively. By having a clear insight into the worth of your business, you can ensure that you are not underselling your hard-earned asset and potentially leaving money on the table. Accurate business valuation empowers you to negotiate confidently, leading to more favorable outcomes and enhancing the overall success of the transaction process.

Business Planning

Using a valuation for planning purposes in your business can be a crucial step in strategic decision-making. By assessing the worth of your business, you gain valuable insights into its strengths and weaknesses. This analysis allows you to pinpoint areas that may need improvement and make necessary corrections to operations. Understanding the value of your business also enables you to identify opportunities for growth and maximize its overall worth. By utilizing a valuation before selling your business, you can ensure that you are well-prepared to negotiate from a position of knowledge and strength.

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

– Warren Buffett


At Blackstone Appraisal, we always have the client’s best interest in mind, which is why we created ValueHub. This exclusive video series provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to gain strategic insights and expert guidance. By delving into this wealth of knowledge, you can unlock new pathways to success and find innovative ways to maximize the value of your business. Whether you are starting a new venture or looking to scale your current operations, our videos are designed to empower you every step of the way. Experience a fresh perspective on business growth and development with Blackstone Appraisal's ValueHub.

Get in Touch

Whether you have questions regarding having your business appraised or would like additional information regarding ValueHub, we are just a quick email away.